Sex Tips For Straight Women From a Gay Man Tickets
Duration: 75 min
Paris, Las Vegas
Discount: $36
Price: from $29
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Sex Tips For Straight Women From a Gay Man Tickets

Honestly, the name of the show simply tells it all. Sometimes, we need a few pieces of advice when it comes to sexual experiences with men, and the only way of getting those pieces of advice is only through asking – well, men. Nobody’s perfect, everyone gets it. Yet, it’s much more helpful to talk about the weird and unpleasant topics through comedy than it is with the help of books and dull TV-show discussions.

Don’t forget, however, to destroy every single stereotype that may arise in your head in regards to the performance; on the opposite, be as open-minded as possible to fully enjoy the nature of content in “Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man” suggests on the Best-Vegas website. Now, is the right time to combat the conventional notions that come from all over the place in the context of the city of Las Vegas, and listen to what “Sex tips for straight women from a gay man” has to offer. If you wouldn’t retain enough info after listening to the hilarious tips offered from the stage, it may be helpful to write down a few before the time comes. Here it goes:

  • He likes it when you play with the balls
  • Swallow everything produced during the sexual intercourse
  • Don’t be shy, it’s not going to help you
  • Every man loves his d more than anything else

As embarrassing as it sounds, the reviews on Best-Vegas indicate that the show has been able to produce satisfying educational and entertainment results, which should be solely contributed to the creators of the performance. Not only is it a helpful way to distract oneself from the Hugh Hefner lifestyle advice, but also to enjoy seeing the strange things in action, unheard of anywhere else except the city of Las Vegas.

“Sex tips for straight women from a gay men” can offer a range of emotions coming from the concept of the show as well as helpful life lessons to learn for every single woman wondering how does it work on the other side. Honestly speaking, no one has ever complained about the adult content of the show, yet it may be a good idea to not bring minors to such a performance (seems quite self-evident judging from the name, isn’t it?).

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